Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I red this interview this morning with the editor-in-chief of Wired about the future marketing models. The long tail theory is created by him. This is a great interview it gives some new ideas about doing business. In this interview Chris Anderson explains the concept of 'free'.

He explains the what the 'Freemium' model is. He talks about the leading websites which are exploiting this model. Check out 123-reg blog to read the whole interview. People are likly not to value the free stuff. Chris Anderson explains what he thinks about this. Chris Anderson is going to give away his new book for free. He also talks about how he is going to do this. He also explains the most misunderstood things about things about the Long Tail theory.

Chris Anderson also explains where the social networking is going. Check out 123-reg blog for the interview with Chris Anderson.


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