Sunday, August 3, 2008

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Few of the griemiest rappers

Saturday, August 2, 2008

When I think about the word grimy, I think about the tone of a rappers voices and the lyrical content. I think when it comes to grimy the rap group 'Onyx' is the best example. They are nutting but grimy. Real hardcore rappers from south side Queens. I have been fan of them since their debut album. The songs have street credibility and it is nutting but grimy. The song 'move back' is hit I can remember even a broader audience is open for this kind of hip hop. The song 'slam' is another good example how they move the crowd with top notch hip hop. The joint 'the worse' is really a good collabo with nicest rappers in the hip hop scene.

Also DMX is also one of the grimiest rappers. This rapper from Yonkers has to deliver a message to the audience what the streets are about. His voice sounds grimy and so does the lyrics. Only thing I can not stand is the fact that he call him self a dog. Since his debut album he has gained much attention and he is multi platinum recording artist. Songs such as 'what is my name' are real classics. The line 'I lost my mind, you about to lose yours too' is a memorable line.

My favorite years !!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

First of all the first rapper I ever heard was Grand Master flash and the furious five. However they made a lot of impression. I was more into break dancing than dreaming about becoming a rapper. The vibe was set how the hip hop culture started. Till the early nineties I didn't started to listen to rap. This was a crazy time. I was influenced by the whole west coast gangsta rap and became a total fan of west coast rap.

Although I felt like that this was only a one sub genre in rap music. I felt the need for exploring more of the raw and depth in rap music. I found southern rap, this was also lot like the west coast rap. It was also the gangsta vibe and the beats were of that funk influence. I found later about the east coast rap. This made me dig deeper into the history of hip hop. This is where my whole mind state changed when I heard Rakim, Brand Nubian and Kool G Rap. This was a great era for me. This was the era that I felt that hip hop music is not just form of entertainment but also a culture. However I have all my favorite albums sort out by the year it came out. My favorite era is from 1990 till 1998. These eight years of my life was everything was going fine. I was having fun with my friends and hanging out doing was kids do on that age. Now I feel like that was maybe because those were my favorite years and I was feeling good, that is why rap music sounds great in my ear.

Since 2003 I have the feeling that rap music went downhill because the quality of the beats got too melodic and this is for the new generation in the hip hop music a major break through because the broader audience can link with this type of music.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I heard once Krs-One said that rap music is a set up. It depends on how a hip hop fan or rappers view this statement. I think the way Krs-One explain this fact he feels victimize by his own success. This is why he claims that rappers are in danger. I think the listeners and all the fanatics trying to make it are the ones who are in danger. If you stand alone there is no one in your family or in your environment who are familiar with the rap music business, then it can be quite stressful job to make it top to the on your own.

I have seen this too often around me kids who started to sell drugs, because they tried to live up too the examples of the rappers who are blowing up with gimmicks. In this case there are too many kids who do not have a chance in the rap music business, because they get hooked when they start to sell drugs and to their ideals they can say good bye. If they only get hooked there is always rehab for them. It gets even worse than that it can end up in a war. Some of the rappers out nowadays want to be the next Tony Montana or Frank Lucas. Still there is no such thing as a set up. Because it is truly a weakness to have the neighborhood thug appeal or want to be ghetto fabulous. There are plenty of choices for the kids in the urban America. So the media hype and the misogyny lead rappers to act a certain way for the money. This is not a sign of a set up but more of an wrong choice what rappers and the listeners make to love the violence and crime in rhyme. I can say it is quite ridiculous when you see Philippines kids dressed up like Mexican gang members and trying to put a hit on a kid who did nothing wrong to them. This happened in small country town, where they do not play rap music in the clubs or where ever. I witnessed this, as far as I know this kid they tried to put a hit on never touched their girl or called their girls female dogs. Rap music is not a set up, but more of a reflection of the media hype of Hollywood drama. There are only few who are really close to the roots of the hip hop culture and treat this as a blessing and they are not out for fame or the money they want to show the world what work is and dedication is most of all they want to deliver a dope rhyme which can uplift the minds and entertain the people. Even Jay-Z say that rap music is a half of a curse, no this never can not be. I think he is blessed with a special gift that whole lots of kids are dreaming of. There is price to be paid and this comes with this gift. The price of the fame is that media will constantly follow the rappers and fans will come to for a autograph. This price can not be a curse or a set up. To become a famous rapper is a grown mans choice and a young kids dream. I think Krs-One and Jay-Z can not appreciate the gift they are blessed with or they want to make sure that the youth who are willing to make rap music their occupation will get stressed and give up because they are afraid that a kid comes through and take their market by force showing his true dedication and the skills.

When it is a set up there will be quite a few choice left to for the urban kids, thanks to the racist economic wealthy countries one choice is left out which is getting a regular job. The minorities are forced to live up to the media hype and do the typical things what their own ethnicities do, this will make them a part of their community but they are not able to function as a individual. These things got to do with the choices what a person make. I think even in the most racist countries as USA there is room for minorities to find their way if they do not point the finger at someone else instead of looking at their selves. Lacking individuality can be the blame for people blaming the society for their own mistakes. There is a limit for everything if you trying to be the hero and take the justice in your own hand it can look like a plot or set up for the victimized citizens. Let’s say if your colleagues at Burger King throw racist terms at your dome, this can be painful plus and can make you angry. If you trying to play the judge and put sanctions on them with violence. Soon or later this person will get caught by the authorities and will have to do time. This is a classic sample of a setup. That rappers feel victimized by rap music and call rap music a set up sounds like Mel Gibson being paranoid in the movie 'Conspiracy Theory'. This is also a sign of a heroin addiction or Schizophrenic symptoms.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

I heard from some old school fans that Wu-Tang Clan is heavily inspired by X-Clan. Anyway why Wu-Tang Clan is my favorite rap group of all time can be explained. In the nineties when I was crazy about the west coast hip hop culture. The east coast struck with a live influence of the Shaolin martial arts and the five percent teachings. This gave me a whole another meaning and this was a major turn point to my flavor of rap music.

The affiliation with Shaolin martial arts meant discipline and control of the mind, body and soul. The Wu tang clan members could explain the game of chess like it was a sword fight. I interpret this like free style rapping off top of the head. Although I never practiced this art. Untill couple of months ago. I happen to get hang of it within 3 months. It is really a challenge. I do not practice this art no more it is no more challenging when you master the art of free styling of top of the head. The sample ‘Game of chess is like a sword fight’ This was the most memorable sample of the debut album of Wu-tang clan. The whole concept knowledge wisdom and understanding is put in a bright light and explained through parables and metaphors with rhymes on beats by Wu-Tang Clan. It is my own habit to appreciate the debut albums more than the follow ups. In Wu-Tang Clans case it is the also like that. Wu tang clan set trend with their wally shoes, hoodies and the PLO style. I think except for Masta Killa and GZA all the Wu members got their own style which is unique. If I have to pick my favorite Wu Member it would be a tough choice because they can not be compared with one and another. I think the rhyme style of Reakwon is the nicest. Because this is typical New York ghetto slang. He can tell a story without exaggerating and without emphasizing the drama of the people of the ghetto's. It is very realistic and has much flavor.

The debut album contain samples from the Shoalin movies and even from a Jackie Chan movie. The beats are mega tough and only Wu-Tang Members are able to rhyme over those beats. This album contains hip hop classics like 'Can it be all so simple man'. This song is laced with dope piano loops and the base line is deeper than the Ocean it self. Above all the solo projects of the Wu-Tang clan members I appreciate the whole clan's work more. They form a chemistry which is never heard before in the history of the hip hop culture. RZA is multi talented person with much preciseness and he knows what fans want to hear. One of the most influential rappers of the Wu-Tang Clan is Killah Priest. Although was not featured on the most Wu-Tang albums, but his solo debut album is truly an underground classic. The productions are tight and the vocals are deep. For me the most memorable line is 'Watch hell freeze over....'.

Wu-Tang Clan has gave birth to other groups which are spin offs such as Killa Army, Sunz of Men, Royal Fam, Gravediggaz, American Cream Team and Theodore Unit as far as I know. These groups are all a great contribution to the hip hop culture. The second album of the Wu-Tang Clan is not so raw as the first one because there were too much synthesizer beats on it. However the song 'It is yours' contains a beat which is dope as uncut raw stuff.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

I have been listening to Mobb Deep since they came out with their second album. This album is the most nicest album. The other albums are straight whack. The beats are produced sloppy and it has too much of the synthetic beats and it need more depths. The metaphors are really simple they do not offer anything to think about and the whole allure they got on their second album and the magic is lost.

Prodigy really chose the wrong name, because he is the most mediocre rapper coming out of Queens. His affiliate Big Noyd seems to be way head of his time only he is young. If it wasn't for the beats he would not a sell any unit. I can not imagine that Big Noyd waited since 1996 to year 2002 or something to drop his solo album. This affiliation with Mobb Deep shows his weakness for money. I think he is depending from Mobb Deep to pave his way. I had some respect for him. If he came out as a solo artist with out any affiliation with Mobb Deep. Anyway Prodigy seems not be a lyrical wonder child at all. There is only one king coming out of Queens that is Phife. I hate the fact that he call him self a Dog. I really can not see any resemblance of a dog in him. I knew a friend of my eldest cousin he used to rap. His name is Sam and this guy got skills. I think Prodigy wished that he could rhyme like this dude. Anyway he gave up rapping for a business in insurance. I am saying I know kids from hood who have way better skills that cony as rappers like Necro, Kill Bill or Prodigy. I am thinking that Mobb Deep is kind of selling out. I copped their album 'Amerikkka's nightmare'. This album also contains synthetic sounds and too much garbage kind of rock influences. I am starting to get irritated by some of the rap artists who blow up and forget the right ingredients and lose their original fan base who copped their first albums so that they can buy a Lexus.

I think there are still rappers who rhymes dope and still get nice beats from the producers, because they got their heart in the right place for the hip hop crowd. I dare that Mobb Deep make another album similar to Infamous. I think even a white girl would rap better than Prodigy on the third album called 'Murda Muzik'. I heard a song song called 'We Are The Truth' on Tradegy Khadafi's album. The hook of this song is rapped by Mobb Deep. That song spoiled the whole Khadafi's album. It sounds like a 5 years old children trying to be serious at a birthday party while Homie the clown is around. I think I need to go and cop rappers like Paul Wall and Eminem to feel Prodigy and Havoc nowadays. Then it would not be fair to compare Prodigy and Havoc with those garbage rappers. Mobb Deep really need to find more inspiration from the Infamous album. This album contains beats such as 'Give up your goods' and these are classics. Maybe Scott Free saw it all falling down through his crystal ball. That is why he would not produce another song for them on no album after.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I woke up this morning and checked out some topnotch stuff. Back in 1997 I heard the first Capone and Noreaga album. This album remains a classic. The rhymes are real street rhymes and much depth about the struggle. The song called T.O.N.Y is one of the dope songs on this album 'War Report'. Back in 2000 when I was kind of lost and wonder how to make some money. Thanks to this album I found my way.

I realized that I do not have to do what these kids go through. I realized that I have plenty of chances in this society. I did not have to sell dope. I do not have to car jack or any crime stuff these kids have to go through. Unlike other kids that use the rappers as they role models. I never did that. I only had to fight the rappers lyrically to get my name known. I am from the sub urbs. Thanks to God there is no crack, crime or anything else in my neighborhood. I am crazy about rap music. Simply I can relate to rappers from the ghetto's, because they seems to have to deal with lots of dirt. Even for the Ghetto kids they are responsible for their own destiny. I think even planets and stars can not decide for these kids to succeed in anything they do.
I compare my self with the most fortunate people on this planet and realize that I am not doing bad. I think money can make the things lot easier. First of all making it easy to make money can get you any where you want.

Back in the days people like Calvin Broadus and Minister Farrahkan was trying to band rap, because the rappers have a bad influence on the kids. I can remember that there was a bulldozer running over a bunch of cd's. This is really ridiculous, because they can not stop all the violence in the streets. They need to take the crime out of the streets, before anything. Rap is a music stream which portrait a vivid picture liver than Rembrandt about the streets. I never heard that rappers like Kool G Rap smuggled ship full of China white into States. So are these hypocrites going to stop the Hollywood producers putting out movies like Reservoir Dogs and Usual Suspects. I think rap music is not only entertainment, but also a education. For me it is like hearing the things what I do not have to do. Hearing the law books over and over again. If I hear

I have to face 7 long years in prison
that means for me that this rapper done the wrong thing and the consequence is loosing his freedom from the crime he done. I take the struggle of some rappers as examples what can happen if making the wrong choice. Even the most negative rappers can mean some sort of positive message for me. The positive thing can be the getting not involved in the crime stuff they are into. I you listen to a 'Onyx' album and do all the things they do you will be end up in prison without a doubt. What I mean is the whole responsibility is in the hand of the listener. Do not expect your parents to watch everything you do. Rather blame your self for the mistakes you made and learn form some of the rappers what to do and what not to do


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

I think hip hop music is the ultimate lifestyle for the youth of the inner city to the sub urbs. I think all that fashion does not got to do anything with the lifestyle of a hip hop fan. I have never been a fan of the fashion part of he hip hop culture. I think having a pair of Timberlands does not make me more or less hip hop then wearing 20 Dollar Dunlop shoes.

It is more of the essence of the hip hop culture what I am after not the glitter and glamour. I think it is great for the artist who set up their own clothing lines and become well known entrepreneurs like Tommy Hilfiger or Armani. But I am glad to have the newest album out rather than having the newest Air Force ones. This fashion aspect is something of a media hype and sometimes I think it is like following the heard like a sheep to wear the latest fashion. Psychologically speaking maybe it got to be something of a inferiority complex to follow the latest fashion. Those who feel the need to dress like the stars they are afraid to be left out. The way I set trend is not even not to kept up by the stars. I wore my printed T-shirts outside the sweater back in 1993. It took 8 years Jay-Z to dress this way. So I think I am not a follower of these fashion trends, but rather a trend setter. No matter how much money I get I still would not follow the fashion trends in the hip hop music.

I worked at a street ware store back in 1997 and I could ware the latest fashion from Fubu, Pelle Pelle or Tommy Hilfiger. Even the not-hip hop fans were wearing these brands to belong with the heard. This really can not impress me. I worked to make money to buy the latest album not for the fashion issues. Because Flava Flave was wearing a clock on his chain does mean I am going to where a clock. Or if LL Cool J wears FuBu doesn't mean that I have to dress in FuBu. I think the fashion stuff is all media hype and it really does not got to do anything with the hip hop culture.

Grimy rhyme

Friday, July 18, 2008

Grimy rhyme analyist, grinding all the time the rebel is,
the dopiest since them old school rappers, not the gun clapper,
the illest making you chill with philly,
making heads nod drop rough raps,
I never stop getting pros, the topnotch intoxicant like scotch,
wise and woke, got you tripping and flipping, cause I wrote,
the vocals to rock the globe,

the known name aim at a lame one and rain on them like they are the blame son,
Got lady's on jock like a head on frame, I entertain, burn like petroleum,
not like a aero plain, the therow one here to explain the unseen,
I glow like a sun ray, I get not played, I display the weakness of rappers,
through my raps, why all that gun clap, I never run my mouth,
for the fast buck, got people stuck with a dream and no hope,
no joke the sorrow seems deeper than drama,


Thursday, July 17, 2008

I have been watching the movie Malcolm X for the third time and this movie leaves permanent memories. It is the most impressive work of Spike Lee who plays a role in this movie as shorty. This movies is incredible, the script is very detailed and shows the visions of Honorable Elijah Mohamed very well. I believe these teachings of the leader of the Nation Of Islam is true to a certain level. The indoctrination is to save the people, the dark skin or the black people out the social imprisonment.

I really can appreciate these teachings, because these teachings are meant to uplift the people out of the gutter. I think some rappers nowadays needs to go check the teachings, because I think they are lacking the knowledge of it self. There are lots of hypocrisy in the rap music. And to sort out those contradicting state of mind of the rappers nowadays need a good lesson in the history of rap music and they beliefs need to put on a higher level. This can be reached by reading the wisdom of Nation Of Islam. I think the claiming that one race is superior to another is not dealing with equality. I believe that Nation Of Islam is explaining this into fine details to understand for us. Click here to check out what the Five Percent Teachings are about. I checked out the site of Five Percent Nation and read the disclaimer of the the site and it says "That the Five Percent Nation is not Pro-Black nor Anti-White". I believe as a hip hop fan dealing with equality is one of the corner stones of the hip hop culture. I think only in rap music we got the chance to express our selves about any racial issues any other social issues. I feel a great connection with the Five Percent Teachings.

Due to my beliefs I do not claim that I am Pro-Black or Anti White.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I think hip hop music fans are an minority, I see these people as select few who are chosen to hear the truth. I think most rebellion rappers are enslaved to major labels by signing deals to work for petty cash relatively speaking. The major companies like Sony and other white owned music labels are making big cake and while rappers end up in war and blessed and cursed with a slice of the pie and messed up life style of materialism and most of all drug abuse

These rappers such as NWA is a group that end up in war with each other. I can remember that NWA was together and they called Ice Cube Benedict Arnold. This assault was kind of a weak one, because after years it seems to be Dr.Dre. I can say that he feels like we got a give chance to the minorities in the society, but signing a white rapper is the most Uncle Tom move ever in the history of rap music. I think rap music is something of the minorities in the whole world. And rappers like Eminem is only a minority in rap music and not a minority in the racist wealthy countries. And rap music is not a white music stream and there are plenty other chances for white kids to succeed in and they are the most economically fortunate ones and there are plenty of kids who do have way better skills than Eminem they are not having a chance in the hip hop music business, because the white owned labels are looking for the light skin puppy to sell the most records and the kids who do have the skills are taking their own weight up and set their own labels and become moguls in the game of rap music although not succesful they do not become the next Bill Gates or who ever. I consider these rappers as the true ones. And the thorough ones.

In Dr.Dre's case I think he is a sellout signing a white rapper. I think this was a commercial move, because this was the chance for mediocre majority to buy a mediocre artist. I think Eminem is not an extraordinary rapper with much impressive skills. I think his music is just another Elvis clone rap stuff. I am waiting till the next rhyme prophet comes to deliver the message. Not a another Primus Fan coming to act like he has worn his cousins second hand clothes and lived off food coupons and had to do dirt to get his money up and get his name known. What Eminem has to rap about is how he got drunk at the prom night and acting funny with his rhymes and brag about how bad he is. This is something for the punk fans than for the supreme order of the hip hop fans. That even Nas has worked with Eminem is a major disappointment for me. Who through up his fist do not work with artist with such a minimalistic skills and a corny persona.


Monday, July 14, 2008

One of the influential rappers I respect is Ice-T. He brought the west coast rap to a major level. The term O.G was instantly blown even for the people who never read Ice Berg Slim. I think he could even label him self as Rakim of west coast. I think the statement he made on one of his songs 'Black men we all related'. This was the whackest statement ever. I rather go for a statement Killah Priest made 'we all have the same skin? we all have the same king?. I never called anyone my brother, because I do not have one.

Anyway what I do not understand is the hip hop artists constantly trying to break the fundamental values through starting to make rock music. For Ice-T's case is that he started to make rock music with the Body Count. This means a major downfall for his image as a hardcore rapper. He set trend with his album called Original Gangster. Since he started to make Rock music, His original fan base felt like he is trying to gain broader attention from the mainstream audience. I think he was already a commercial rapper and making moves to make rock music really can harm his status and the respect from the hip hop fans. This is also the case with Mos Def. His first album contains dope tracks such as a collabo with Busta Rhymes. His second album was the worst hip hop album I ever heard. Even Vanilla Ice can be labeled more hip hop than Mos Def, who I started to respect as a major underground idol.

Another rapper who chose the side of the rock music. I am a true hip hop fundamentalist I rather not have the true essence of the hip hop culture goes up in flames and rather not listen to rap music with rock backgrounds. Why I have so much respect for rappers like Rakim, Nas and Blu and Exile is these rappers make hits to preserve the hip hop culture in it's authentic form and I think there should be space for rap music to expand out it's boundaries through influences of black music. Soul, Jazz, B-bop, Doo Wop, R&B, Gospel, funk and there is enough new sub genres that can be created without breaking the fundamental values of the hip hop culture.


Saturday, July 12, 2008

I think Phife Dog and Snoop Doggy Dogg and DMX are great rappers. The thing I can not understand why they call their selfs dogs. I am not scared of dogs in general. My father was a dog lover, he had a few dogs. You might expect having dogs around your house would make me love them too. No matter how cute these animals were I never touched those animals no matter what.

I did not this consciously, I think there are filthy. The way they smell. I think even cats are animals no matter how clean they are. I think it is not something for the civilized rappers to call them selfs dogs. Yesterday I bought the documentary planet earth. The first animal I saw was the polar bear. I had to puke when I saw these animals, maybe it was the energy drink I drank. I do not know why I am not a much of a animal lover.


Thursday, July 10, 2008



Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I red few years ago an article that hip hop music alienate the youth from the society. I think this can not be true, because hip hop community is a society. It can be true that people can lose the sense of reality, when they are in touch with an art and they are living for that art and willing to do anything to keep that art authentic and preserve it from the vultures who are willing to destroy it and abuse it for their own wealth.

So far as the alienation consider, when it comes to the hip hop music no one can alienate me from this culture. I am an one man movement and although my budget is not large I still can contribute to the hip hop culture in other ways than buying albums daily. I think my mother thinks that hip hop is another name for having sex. She wonder why I call my blog I feel quite alienated from the society there are no people who I can relate to. Only I can relate to are the rappers, because they are born into the dirt just like me. If you know hunger you will feel the struggle. And born into a racist society people judge you by the background and racial ethnicity can cost you lots of hair and health. I have been chasing a dream having a job and live like the working class people. This is not even possible, when the cocky white kids at your work call me a Ni**er in my face and gossip about me behind my back, gossiping is a habit that every society got to deal with, but throwing racial terms at your dome can hurt my soul. The bosses are looking for someone to do the dirty job. I am really a humble kid, that is my nature. I can not seems to take all the racial terms all the way long from the cocky Caucasians.

I feel like I'd rather be alienated than being a modern house slave for this society who thinks that I only deserve the minimum wage. In my case I know some people who gets alienated in the hip hop culture, since they have no friends. These kinds of people always needs someone around them to show them the way. I never had that kind of cousin or brothers to show me the way. That way I feel that I failed comparing the mediocre standers the majority set. I made lots of mistakes like skipping classes and even passing my math exams drunk. I never knew how to choose the right friends, if they were hip hop fans I was willing to hang out with them. Some kids I knew they only were after the money and their older cousin or brother were cooking for them and they ran studios from houses. I feel like these studio rappers were the alienated ones, they never come out hanging and getting drunk in public with the regular kids like us. They truly got the house slave mentality and they never felt how much stressful it gets and how it feels one of your friends throw him self front of the train. These studio gangstas only know happy times. They do not know what it is like to grow up with no family around you.

And then you have these upper class brothers talking black supremacy, while their label owner is white. They never talked to a kid from the ghetto and they do not have the spine to set up their own labels to make a start of their career. Once this reminds me of the song of Gravediggaz song '12 Jewels'. It said the "old man from Sudan didn't knew the basic principles of the economy". Being your own boss that is the major economical achievement is about. Working for the white man and calling your self black activists and pumping your fist is just lack of awareness and political consciousness. In this modern society rappers are almost doomed to sell their soul to the labels, when a rappers is hungry he will be easily convinced by the A&R's and other record label people. I think the true potential of a socially, economically and politically aware artists does not where the money is running, but where the hearts of the hip hop fans are running. That is preserving of the hip hop culture as an authentic culture and reminding the fans what the true purpose of the hip hop culture is about, which is peace, love and unity. With these three keywords there is no alienation possible for the hip hop fans not even the majority alienates them.


Monday, July 7, 2008

The brag and boaster, most of rappers can not come close to,
anyone oppose get dealt with, the real stuff I kick,
wickeder than black magic, words turn into a tragic,
status of madness, the one guy that can overcome eternal blackness,
the activist with the fist up in the air,
beware my rage liver than a lion,I stare at fine chicks,
that denying who fly a angelic scarface is,
the nappy headed slave with blood of a prince,
my interest in skins and a benz is immense,
set trends even designers of fine lines wanna be on,
I 'll be on a level beyond a rebel can agree on,
see on further then a lens can focus,
eyesight of a eagle, never evil, but treat people equal,
wetting fakers like a regal gear, fakers wanna be the eyes,
in my rear of my head, I got two eye's the third on shine a bright light,
for ones behind me,

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Saturday, July 5, 2008

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Gravediggaz Twelve Jewelz

Friday, July 4, 2008

What I like about this song is this song ends with the line 'He works like a slave and eats like a king'. Really only a small percentage of the world population is free, and that freedom can be achieved by if you obtain the twelve jewels like RZA raps in this song. This song contains a story about a old man from Sudan. That he didn't have no knowledge of the basic knowledge of the economy. I can relate to this old man. If you work like a slave only thing you can do is eat like a king.

In the modern society there are other things we want to obtain and those are material things. This can truly cause chest pain from stress chasing these material stuff. I think there is no need to know anything about the world economy to obtain these twelve jewels. The knowledge of it self can get you there. This song is a jewel this song let you know what you need to obtain to achieve happiness. Gravediggaz always spread love and wisdom to uplift the people. This song is a great example.

My new laptop

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Today I drove about 300 km to get an ipod touch, first I wanted an Iphone, but it is not available yet in holland not the 16gb version. So I decide to Eindhoven to get a Ipod touch. I had the map printed out, but I was lost. I saw a computer shop on the corner and I went there asked if they sell Ipod touch 32 GB version. No was the answer. I was not mad though, I saw this mini laptop and I was looking for a one. This is really a fun thing. The brand is called ASUS. I never knew what country manufactured these kinds of laptops. It seems to be Taiwan. I was hoping to get an Ipod although I got now a mini laptop. My main purpose to buy this mini laptop was to blog from my car when I have time. I have trouble finding the right internet service.

I have fun blogging on this mini laptop. This gives me more comfort and I can blog sitting on the bed. I hope to get a wireless internet connection soon, this will makes it able to set a up internet connection from Holland, Belgium or Luxemburg. I think I am glad that I have not bought the Ipod though although this Ipod has 32 gb and this mini laptop has only 4 gb. I was in this shop for a inernet sevice I kind of felt like acting funny so I started to act like I am from USA and started to talk english. The most people speak English so it is great to act like a foreigner. My english is not advanced so almost everybody can get what I am saying. The accent of english want betrail that I am from Holland. Listening to rap music I hsve learned to speak the New York type of accent. I once in a while rhyme of the dome and practice the pronounce quite well. I think only a native New Yorker can hear I am not from New York. I am tired now after driving 300 km and I am thinking about some grub and a shower. I think sitting on the bed is even more comfortable than sitting on my recline leather chair. The greatness of the Ipod touch is the touch screen. The zoom in function and this is a fun gadget I guess.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

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Nineteen's ultimate street vibe rap music

I am not that familiar with 80's rap music.In this is a era, I was more into break dancing than rap music. In the 80's when Big Daddy Kane was ruling and Rakim dropped knowledge and blessed the mic still remains a golden era of the hip hop music. This was more in the mid eighties. I am glad I know something about this era. Though it is not much.

In the nineties west coast was dominating the charts with G-Funk vibe and they had it going on. I think since the album Illmatic of Nas came out in 1994. Things got different for the rappers from New York. This album is a blue print for a new generation of rappers. This album of Nas is mos def a trademark of the nineteen's ultimate street vibe rap music. You can hear that Nas took basement rap music to a major level. It was focused on the streets how it is going down in his hood. This album inspired a whole legion of rappers from Queens such a Prodigy, Capone and Noreaga, Tradegy Khadafi formerly known as Intelligent hoodlum. These rappers do not sound like Nas, but surely they show some resemblance when it comes to rap music, because they rap about the streets. The streets fascinated me since I was a teen and even on the Christmas night I hung on the streets with my homiez. I think it was around this time the street vibe rap music was flourishing. This was a beginning of a glamor lifestyle oriented rap scene. Jay-Z started to pop Chrystal and made it big in the hip hop scene.

What I like about the rap music from Queens is the street vibe and the rappers shine on every track. Since the album of Mobb Deep came out the whole Queens Bridge rap scene got more fame. They still seems to rule the street vibe of Queens Bridge, but since they are signed to G-Unit it they got a whole another twist, which is more commercial. The authentic aura, which surrounded the duo was gone. The trademark this duo set with their second album should remain as a foundation. For me it is like they have overgrown their own style and the new Mobb Deep does not have the vibe they use to set with first few albums. The second contains some great samples. These are the hip hop classics. The song 'give up your goods' is a great example. In 1998 also a rapper named Cam'ron dropped his first album. This album is also crazy street, the beats seems to be not produced with Akai 500 or what ever. Beats of Cam'ron's first album contains keyboard sounds. Lyrically he can do tricks on the mic and he is funny in his raps. The song on the first album called 'confession of fire' is funny.

Above mentioned rappers seems to rule the street vibe hip hop nowadays. Although rap music does not originates from the streets. It surely can not be taken out of the streets nowadays. This is good, because rap music is a reflection of the streets and this art form will forever painting pictures about the streets, because most us only know the streets. It is also good for today's youth to make their own choice. Through rap music they can decide that streets are not the only way to do anything you want. Everybody is free to choose which way they want to go. It can be the streets or even the Wall street. Blaming rap music for the failures in someones life is not correct. Your responsibility does not lies in the rappers hands of these rappers

What I like about hip hop music.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I like almost about everything in the hip hop culture, this is the lifestyle and having dreams and the most important one being able to reach it. I think I have it all, because of rap music, of course not the money and the fame, but the true essence. That is able to express my feelings and being able to say what ever I like.

I am aware that sometimes it can hurt people, but I think it is good to hear the truth. If I think someone is too blunt, I say that. If I think if someone is too funny I say that. I am ware that I can not say everything what is on my mind, because saying the wrong thing can cause a huge conflict. It might cause a riot that is why I think these types of matters are deep hidden rules, that is how I see it. You might think this is only something for the Christian rappers, but there are ways to get the stuff said and done. I do not prefer a blunt tone or rude ways, I like subtle and deep and abstract poetic rhyme styles. I think it is easy to be negative and rude. A way to tell a story on the microphone it needs more than a comic book story to get the point across. I think telling a actual facts even through parables like Jesus is more closer to the reality than to rhyme like the life is a whole cartoon. I think rap music can contain a whole prophecy. Hip hop music is most close to my reality. Which are hunger, poverty and much more social factors. I think this has being my fate. Who can change it, only I can change this reality into a dream and this dream into a reality in the future. That means that I am not underprivileged. Now that I am on my own I realize there is a way.

I think the word love for something can solve the problem, before you learn to love someone. When I was seven I found a gray feather, I saw kids around me looking like. Now that is the world's eight wonder. I think they couldn't appreciate that feather like me. I thought the feather was wonderful, holding this feather is like feeling that you have wings. Just like learning to look towards the sun with your naked eyes. Those are few of the moments I can never forget. That is starting to love things. I think love for someone is a whole another story.

Anyway hip hop music is a thing I love because of it is allure and it is falls and rises, the failure in the hip hop culture is the violence, the massive bloodbaths and even fist fights at freestyle battles. This is not the school I am from. I think that alcohol and drug abuse is a major problem in the hip hop culture. There are few rappers who do not promote these kinds of things. I think the most rappers use getting high as a gimmick to show how bad they are. I remember few of the cats I knew back in the days swore that they can rhyme better when they were tipsy or what ever.
I heard them recording a track dead sober, then I knew what state they sound better, the tipsy or sober one? Some rappers are invited to promote famous beer brands. These are the issues what famous rappers deal with and say yes and amen to the commercial entities who want even a more blown up name.

Through the growth of the hip hop culture to a mainstream music genre only created more expansion of the wealth of the rappers. I think even actors are turning rappers and vice a verse. I think some of the actors who pick up rapping turned into a total flop. It lacks soul only a good sample can save them from the clutches of the critics. They can not put their whole soul into rapping like acting. Rapper who gets things mixed up they never be able to master non of the arts. This is sad this way a whole market will be created for mediocre rappers to enter. There will be a mediocre market who are willing to buy this type of rap music.


Monday, June 30, 2008

I know there are people who do not recognize rap music as a music genre. This is top notch bogus if you ask me. Rap music is the most revolutionary music genre there is even punk musicians with their out-of-the-box thinking mind state, could not get the point across like the rappers.

Rap music is great, because we can use the freedom of speech to get our point across and the rappers can explain their opinion through poetry why they agree with something or why they do not. I think today’s youth can not afford to skip rap music as part of the hip hop culture. If you want to call your self a cultivated music lover than having knowledge of all kinds of music is needed. This ain't me I rather call my self master of one trade and I would avoid to the other music genres to become the cultivated hip hop fan, rather then loving other kinds of music. Why I think rap music is a necessity for today’s youth is it contains a source of entertainment, but also a source of education, enlightment, truth, lies, emotion and basically all the facts if you dealing with live.
There are some rappers coming with clichés, but there are rappers who can rap a story, how the things are nowadays and what needs to be done to reach a better state of mind or better social situation for the people. Rap music deals with ideologies. There are rappers who come with new ideas for the change of the people. Why it is important to deal with equality and peace and love. Rap music is needed to let the world to know what the people in the ghettos are going through, why the things are the way they are right now, hip hop is a culture and rap music is the voice of the ghetto youth let the world know what have to be done to change the ghetto kids future for better.

Rap music seems to be a way to get money, but this is really hard work and need dedication to reach a level to offer a source of information plus entertainment to the people. I am fan of lots of hip hop sub genres. I am not only listening to the positive messages, but also to the negative messages, why these rappers are expressing this kinds of messages. The song of 50 cent 'Many Men' explains it all why rappers are in danger. This can be a cause for some rappers to be negative.


Saturday, June 28, 2008

He was one of the founders of the all time favorite hip hop group NWA. This group set trend in the hip hop game. They are icons and Ice Cube was one of them. He is born as O'shea Jackson and he took the stage name as Ice Cube. He is an American rapper and an actor. In 1992 he converted to Islam.

He had a great solo career, I think the album the Predator was the greatest album he made. This album remains a personal classic for me. The track 'really doe' is a trademark in the west coast rap music. The solo career of Ice Cube is dynamic and this rapper recorded his first solo career in New York along with the Lench Mob and the Public Enemy's production team. This album contributes to hip hop music to become a mainstream genre. This year he also released the EP 'Kill at Will'. This EP went gold and platinum.

Check more about Ice Cube's solo career here.


Friday, June 27, 2008

This rapper is an old school figure, but I even can not understand his reaction against the diss track of CanIbus. His reaction to his diss track was not that impressive. I think he is mostly kicking sentimental stuff. Although he knew to get dope guest appearance on the track 'I shot ya'. This track is a true classic. The beat is produced by track masters and it is dope.

The line what LL Cool J kicks "I make hot for you b***es, female rappers too, I do not give a F##k boo. This line is funny and original. Prodigy is rapping dope on this track. LL Cool J is an icon in the rap game and he recently came out with is 13th album and this is impressive. He seems not to grow old.

He had beef with couple of rappers like Ice-T, Jay-Z and more others, those seems not to react like CanIbus. I think even a young rapper like CanIbus can battle a giant like LL Cool J. Although it is not fair, LL Cool J is not a common battle rapper, but he is rapping mostly for the ladies. Around ninety eight this was Jay-Z Vs Nas kind of thing. Although, CanIbus never made it that big as those rappers.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

The goon coming, creeping like a thief under the full moon,
soon as I find a tune to kick my lines and keep the crowd moving,
like a witch on a broom, the fly stuff I come with,
soon as my shoes touch the stage, no one can bring me down,
I bust my pages on stages for wages,
free styles fanatic at this, get the job done,
get your dome nodding, don, my interest in cents make more sense,
than bragging about the next man's benz, I focus my vocals like a lens,
give you a better vision than, television, I blend words like herbs,
paint a picture of my position that you wishing, keep dissing!!!!
I speak wisdom in ancient tongues, the live flavor lacer,
I can make the peeps taste it son.!!!!


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Earth is a beautiful place, I think am fortunate to be born and live on the earth. I was checking out a south Indian movie, I do not understand the language nor speak it. I think foreign movies are fascinating, because the variety of the people. These south Indian movies are full of drama, I think these people are not so appreciating how the world turns. These movies paint a vivid picture about the poverty.

The social matters in the Indian cast system is still a major issue. Sometime I think even racism originates from India. The fairer your skin to a higher cast you belong. There are still people in India, who can not get a proper job, although they are qualified and have diplomas because of their background or cast. I think the Bollywood doesn't shows these kind of poverty like the south Indian films. These movies only show how northern Indians of upper class are living large. Although I am happy to see, that there are Indians doing so great, but the movies of south India does not show this much wealth as the northern ones in the movies. The south Indians remind me of the ghetto people of united states of America. Although they live in the largest economic country of the earth and they have plenty of chances to reach wealth, this process seems to be slowed down by racism, drugs, violence and plenty of more issues.

Anyway I think India is a great country with a rich cultural history and these people got a great talent when it comes to making music and dancing. I red that they pray to the godess of music, before they start to practice and play the instruments. Not link rock artist breaking their guitar on the stage.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The brag and boater, punk rapper roaster,
got you feening, for the tough raps I am phrasing,
The brown skin Asiatic kid be aiming, and not naming,
and not just claiming, I dig chicks like a needle in to a groove eh....
who the truest is since Christ?
I am out to rip mics and get props,
I rock like diamond, ain't no denying man,
rappers are vaginal like clams, my plans advanced,
mad euphoric and psych you like you are entrance,
get gone clone, my poems flow off the dome,
my lines longer than your nose don,
I am crook, and not your brother,
Only a army with automatic weapons can make a shook one,
ain't no other can claim my spot, you might turn and toss,
your tongue on rum, I'd rather get props and not crumbs,
to you sellouts I got enough clout,


I phrase mathematics, linguistic rhythmics the wiz kid is at this,
the gifted lines I spit, I hit your ear drums, with flows,
you can not slow me down like slug, I bug and drop free styles,
in mean while sit back child and check this rap kids profile,
never wild, I watch my poems stack up, I never lack,
I pack dope lines like narc, you bark loud,
I doubt everything you are about,
You might stand in my route, with a shiny grill in your mouth,
Even the willies's chicks feel me when bust my philly,
beneath the Venus hill, the Meangreen the real,
known to deal a phrase that blaze your hone's,
lips like chilly, you wonder is he for really the illest?
call me the icy flame I scorch you with till you chill,


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

If you have a good vacuum cleaner, it can make the task of cleaning a lot more easier. I have found out this for by my self. I am not really a big fan of cleaning. I have to do this, because I can not expect that my parents are going to do the cleaning since I live on my own now. I have found a site that sells Dyson spares. This site offers wide range of spares of this brand. That is not all, it also offers great camping and caravan products. If you are planning a vacation I would check the site out. If you are looking for Politi spares this site is the place to go on the net. There are more vacuum cleaner spares, that can be found on this site such as Miele Spares. This site also sells cleaning products.


I recently got a comment from a visitor saying that sampling prevents originality. It might be true. What I find about sampling is that the essence of rap music originates from the other black music streams. This sampling can bring that essence back through buying a sample from the artists like James Brown or Sam Cook. Any other black artist. Who made history with their music.

Buying samples from these artists can be quite expensive, the Cypress Hill 'black Sunday' album costs the half of the profits to buy samples. I personally think sampling can not harm the originality, but I think it can prevent the hip hop music streams from expanding, if everybody would make east coast rap styles of beats, even the kids from Miami that surely can harm the originality. But it would be better to make the hip hop music streams elevate to the next sub genre of the hip hop culture. So there would be more hip hop artists can come with new rhyme styles and expand borders.

It happens all the time whenever new artists come out, but only the styles of the rap artists are different, but the stream of rap music is hardly changing. This changes when a whole bunch of artists starts to do the same and start rule an era. Such as the 'Thug life' era of Tupac or the 'pretty boy style' of rappers from QueensBridge N.Y. These rappers set trend or rather manifest that they rule a certain era in the rap music.


Sunday, June 15, 2008

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

These three keywords are the main keywords of the hip hop culture. I think love is the most important one, whenever there is love is there is space for anything positive. I think love is needed to succeed. If there is love for the hip hop fan, the rappers will dedicate their heart and the soul to these people rappers will put blood, sweat and tears to deliver the best for the hip hop fans. I think if you got love for something, then the creativity, originality, dedication and devotion will flow out. When it comes to making rap music these things are inevitable.

Where ever there is love there will be peace, and peace is needed to maintain order and gain prosperity to any community or society. This part is the toughest part in the hip hop culture to gain. We are not that passive the hip hop fans or the rappers. We are constantly challenging each other in lyrical format or musical format to be the best. Peace is hard to gain in the hip hop community, because there is lots of friction between rappers. In freestyle battles there are fist fights and even worse. If you are a freestyle battler you got to be patient with the other rapper, who you are battling. Most freestyle rappers curse, this is surly is a weakness. I think being original with metaphors and punch lines are the best, bragging about how much your baggy pants costs, or much your diamond ring cost, how much your car is worth does not have anything to offer to the listeners. Even these rappers on a record claiming they are rich and how many women they got or how many guns they bust has nothing for me either. If they are not coming with original punchlines and rhymes. They do not deserve to eat. I feel like most rappers are making records and they do not know what rap is about. They are off course.

If there is peace there can be unity, there is no unity in rap music, because the mainstream rap music is the most violent music genre there is. These rappers making babies they not even take care of. They accept the government to take care for their babies. This is not the Utopia where we living in. These kids listen to the damn glories about these rappers are bragging about and like to do the same and some rappers claim that these kids have to sling crack to be alive. Like they do not go no other choice. I think only in the underground rap scene there is unity. These rappers are only making crumbs, comparing to mainstream rappers. Do not accept me to feed the world with non sense about how much guns I hold or pop. Let there parents take the responsibility and show them the right path. I feel like the mainstream rappers are some kinds of collectors for their favorite bank. Most people that buy the rap music are kids of the middle class people, these kids got to live up to the trends these fake rap industry set. Rap music is a culture. Don't you wonder why they call it an industry?


Friday, June 13, 2008

It is not so surprising that there are people in financial trouble. There are lenders too often too slouch and let the financial vulnerable people get a loan or a mortgage. This way they find their self in trouble. Sometimes these people might end up homeless . This can be prevent if the banks might do better research about the financial status of the person, who applies for the loan.

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

This era of the rap music is the most influential time of the hip hop music. If you Miss the early old school rap then this a documentry you a must see. This time was all about 'do not believe the hype and burn Hollywood burn'. During these times are the most rebellion rappers are born and groups like Public Enemy, Ice T and NWA were the ones who were dominating the charts. These rappers gained major attention both the east and west coast were coming up and mainly west coast was dominating thanks to the G-Funk formula, which made a broad audience to enter the world of hip hop music.

I was into west coast raps, because I got a tape from a classmate this was the only rap music I knew and I really didn't knew anything about the origin of rap music or the hip hop culture. I felt great having jerry curls in the summer and rocking a army suits in the winter. I felt like I am part of something great, which is rap music. Later on I got in touch with kids, who were more into rap music from the old school and they introduced me to more depths and insightful rap music, which contains more lyrical quality and less melodic, sometimes depressive, but rap music more closer to the roots of the hip hop culture. I learn to understand that there are fun parts of the rap game. And that rap music is about unity and equality. There were rappers like Grand Puba, Kool G Rap and Rakim who dropped a wise guy raps with wisdom to enlighten the sleepers. What I like the most about Rakim's music is that he is out to bless the mic with knowledge and rappers like Kool G Rap was dropping more hardcore raps with street poetry. The more black power stuff was kicked by the Brand Nubian. Along with Sadat X and the rest of the crew Grand Puba dropped crazy hot joints like 'God's must be crazy'.

This is around late eighties to the mid nineties, these rappers remain my idols therefore, they should get statues in the world capitals for setting trends and keeping up the tradition of the Afrika Bambata and Grand Master flash and the furious five. This hip hop culture is not just a sub-culture any more, but big mainstream art form. Even the R&B and what? even country acts like Texas has done songs with Method Man, not this types of collabos add much value to the hip hop culture, but sure does add value to the pop culture and this types of collaborations shows that hip hop music is becoming a part of the pop culture. That is important, I heard some people say keep hip hop music underground. There is still a stream of rap music, which is underground and only those, who seek for it will find it, but I am glad that rap music is major this is great way to eat for the kids, who put their heart and soul into making music which is accessible for a wide audience.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I think young HOVE is one of the nicest rappers of all time, because he has sold more albums than anyone else in the rap game. He has achieved the most commercial success than any other rapper. He went from rags to riches. From being a hustler to becoming the most successful rapper rapper of all time is quite a accomplishment. Every ghetto child's dream is achieved by him.

For me he remains a great source of inspiration. He can write rhymes in hieroglyphic graffiti form. To understand what he is kicking is not simple. He started the hip hop label called Roc-a-fella records with Damon Dash and Kareem Burke Biggs. They came quite a long way being independent to becoming major with their own label. This is the most challenging part of the hip hop game. Rather being a slave to the major labels than they started to carry their cross and fight the commercial labels that sucks blood from the original artists like Jay-Z. Jay-Z made a big hit called 'Big Pimpin' along with Bun B he made a great song, which was shot on a yacht with pretty women surround him.
This song contains a loop from a flute, this loop is mesmerizing. He started the clothing line called Rocawear. This is a multi million dollar company. He stepped off as the president of Def Jam after an issue about money.

The album Reasonable Doubt was released in 1996 this grabbed the attention from all over the world, hip hop world was in hype after hearing this album and everybody was holding their breath about what is yet to come from this new kid from Brooklyn. All the hip hop critics was amazed that once again Brooklyn was getting fame after Biggie. They felt like somebody is coming to take Biggie's spot. This was not the case. This guy was more lyrical even the deepest underground hip hop fans could not get around without acknowledging what this rapper Jay-Z about to do to the hip hop game. After being a protege of Jaz-O he gained some minor attention with the song 'Hawaiian Sophie'. In 1997 he came with the album called In my lifetime Vol.1
In 1998 he dropped the album Vol.2...Hard Knock Life. There after every year he dropped an album till 2007. The latest album is called American Gangster.


Monday, June 9, 2008

Really, I am impressed by this track ‘9 elements’ KRS-ONE, why? once again he is breaking down the elements of the hip hop culture. This is quite vivid. He is making a point with this song. He has been making this statement for years. That "hip hop is something you live". This statement goes in the hip hop history.

He also says that crack dealing is not what hip hop is about. That crack dealers happen to be rappers. Not all the rappers are crack dealers. This what the media is projecting. In another song he states that no matter you are a pimp, hustler or a player, that you must be a dope rhyme sayer. I think most rappers nowadays are more of a pimp hustler or a player, than a dope rhyme sayer. Rapping is something we do and hip hop is something we live. I think there are many rappers playing a role of a gangster and not representing the true essence of the hip hop culture. What I think Tha teacha is about is the truth and the true flavor of the underground. He set standard for new comers in the underground hip hop genre to be a live MC. I think if anyone who do not know about KRS-ONE need to go back and take some history lesson of the hip hop culture. This guy is like a elephant in the room, when it comes to rap music. Even the major rappers of nowadays like Cam’ron and AZ are influenced by KRS-ONE and there is no mentioning DJ Premier without KRS-ONE. All the tight productions from DJ Premier is wrecked by KRS-ONE. The song RappaZ 'Rn Danja is one heck of a classic. With the sample of O.C. KRS-ONE drops statements on this track. I think the modern slave is not the middle class working people, modern slaves are the poppy rappers, who rather sell their soul to the record label and play a role written by a scenario writer, straight Hollywood stuff.

I think it is great that KRS-ONE have hooked up with the Queens vet Marly Marl for his new joint, "Hip hop lives". Although rapper Nas claim stuff the different way. Claiming "Hip Hop is dead". I think there is no life without death. About 20 years after the beef between Marly Marl and KRS-ONE is ended, they have hooked up to let the hip hop community know that true unity is not much of a dream. That beef was way before my time and I was learning to break dance at that time. The song 'Bridge is over' remains a classic. The beat of "Hip hop lives" is great the piano loop is hypnotic and KRS-ONE is moving the hip hop movement. KRS-ONE breaks down what rappers are writing about in their raps such as intelligence, ignorance, anger, poverty and raising awareness and more of the other items we are dealing with. And also emotions and other social issues we are dealing with. This track is great and I can say "Hip Hop Lives".


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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Around 1998 I saw this movie called 'Good Will Hunting'. This is one of the greatest movies Matt Damon and Robin Williams played a part in. I can relate to this young chap Will. The main fact is that he is not feeling too good do any job he gets his hands on.
He worked at a school as a cleaner. Most people would not do this because it is way below their level.

When I was trying to get my vocational diploma I also did cleaning jobs at a factory. This made me feel real good. I felt like I have to do this, because I did not have the qualifications for to work as a labourer in that factory. It was few hours on Saturday. The rest of my Saturday I worked as a sales man in record shop. I can not say that selling is much fun as cleaning. I still think cleaning is one of the fun jobs there is. I think the relationship between being a hip hop fan and getting paid with cleaning is that, there is always some rappers challenge you to be successful. I think road to success is based on steps, one of the first and fun steps are cleaning. I think the moral of this movie is having a certain challenge to get to where you want to be. A humble kid is never feeling such things as too much pride to do the jobs that other people are feeling too good for. In the year of 2000 I worked as a sales man in the supermarket. The most people who comes to do shopping are the middle class working people. Once I got fired, because the snitching boss found that I was not communicating sufficiently with the colleagues. And once he started to brag about he was in the army. "I said it must be in the Salvation Army". This was what ditched me. After I got fired, I was glad to get a job as a cleaner. The stuff I sold to those people at the super market must be cleaned up. Ha ha, ha!!!!!

Once again I was a cleaner. This was a huge truck factory called Scania. I had mad fun doing this job. I pulled up in a Pepsi blue Honda to my work. I worked like a slave and drove to my home like a high roller like Nino Brown smoking a cigarette and pumping LOX and N.O.R.E. This is how much I can relate to the actor Matt Damon in this movie. The rest of his roll being this wonder child is quite amazing I wish I had such of knowledge of maths and physics. I am kind of jealous, why he is not using the opportunity to work for NSA. He has a good excuses based on facts, that actual could happen. I think those aren’t no facts those are more of hypothetic statements. There are only few wiz kids on this earth who are gifted like that. Me personally, I never could understand nothing of maths.

There was a good joke this actress made movie in this movie. It is the joke about the old couple. This reminds me of the rhyme of Nas on the ‘It Was Written’ album. You freak N***az played out, Got F**ed and ate out. This movie is a classic. If you like to check this movie out it is called Good Will Hunting. Click here to go to the site and watch it for free.


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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Nineties hip hop is my favorite, I think this is because of the fact that the west coast gangsta rap influence was getting into rappers from the east coast. This is major era for the east cost rappers. Rappers like Nas, AZ set trend and influenced lots of rappers.

I think even the gangsta rap was not born in the west coast. It was born in the east. Rappers like Rakim and Big Daddy Kane were one of the first rappers to rep gangsta style . Although they could not make it major as the rappers form the west coast. Rappers like Ice Cube, Ice T and NWA were the most major gangsta rappers from the west coast.
They were influenced by rappers like Kool G rap and Rakim. They were rapping what is going in the streets and what you got to do to survive in the concrete jungle. Then came rappers TuPac and Biggie Smalls. Who started a complete war between east and west. This was the sickest era of the whole rap history. I wrote my high school essay in 1996 about this matter. I was objective and loved the beef. This war was doing the sales increase of gangsta rap. I think rap music from the east is less melodic and contains more essence of soul, jazz and other black music streams. This is why I think east coats rap music has more cultural value than the west cost rap music. On the other hand I can say west coast rap is more new and more accessible for a broader audience. West coast music contains more melodic samples and it is reps the sunshine state California. What I miss is the spiritual essence of rap music in the west cost rap music. It is more about the gangsta life style and has less elevating factors. Rap group Wu-Tang Clan is a good example of east coast rap that contains great factors of elevating and gangsta rap music.

If I have to choose than I would listen to rap music from the east coast than west coast.


Friday, June 6, 2008

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I red on a blog that rap duo Kidz in the hall, who are signed to Rawkus label is supporting Obama. These rappers need to wake up and focus on keeping the hip hop fans satisfied. The American dream is a nightmare for the most people of color. If there is any one successful man of color doing business, people thinks that there is a crime behind these peoples fortune.

I think these Kidz in the hall are still really kids, they are naive and there thought are immature. These ideals to see a black president is only possible in Africa. Supporting Obama is like carrying water to the sea, If all the people of color would support Obama would not even help. After 400 of years of slavery, black people in the States made some progression getting a man of color nominated. It takes another 400 years to see a black president get elected. I am not seeing this with in my Chrystal ball or what ever. I only can say that only some men of color would support Obama, the women would rather Hillary especially the black women, because they see their strength in Hillary Clinton and they would rather vote on Hillary , because she is a female. As a Hip Hop fan, I grew up with whole other ideas, which is not to judge someone by their color of the skin or any other exposure, but there qualities. I think Obama is not representing the qualities of a leader. I think this man is not that outgoing and too introvert and shows less charisma, then Hillary. The tone of his voice does not shows that much character.
I think he does not know the struggle of the ghetto kids from states, born on hawaii and growing up in Jakarta might cause him a utopia complex. He is thinking to turn this hell we are into a paradise. I can say it only remain a thought and a illusive ideology. For the black people who are supporting him, because of his skin color is quite whack. They need to go and rethink his qualities not his skin color, but the social background can say whole lot about a man than his skin color. If a actor like Ronald Reagan can get elected as a president, then a white rapper should be the next president. Really how silly is it to vote for a ex-actor to lead the all mighty economic country of the globe. Obama wake up and do the right thing and go lead Kenia.

I hope this is not that much of political criticism, I do not know a thing about politics. I am a hip hop fan. I make fun out of politicians. I am a damn good judge of character and if I was a American I would not vote for Obama, because he does not qualify for the presidential leadership.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I feel like Samson the biblical figure. I had a great proportion of hair. This was the most nicest thing about me. This made me stand out from other people around me. Some people were crazy jealous of my hair. They constantly want to touch it. Since I started to loose my hair, my whole self-esteem is zero. I feel ugly and I do not dare to take my cap off. This is how much my hair means to me. I can not imagine that there are people walking around without a cap, who are bold.

This problem runs in my mothers' side of the family. My uncle is also bold, that is why he is always wearing a cap, and my mother' uncle is also bold. I never saw him wear a cap though. I think it is great that micro technology is advanced, which can help people with boldness with restoring their self esteem. Since I lost my hair I can not do anything fun such as going to the club or what ever, because they do not allow caps to be worn inside of the club. In that way I lost all my powers like Samson.
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Are you a rapper dreaming about how to get your rap career started, stop dreaming, make your dreams reality. The best is start practicing , practice hard then you will become a good critic of your own talents. Do not compare your self to any other rapper out right now. You may be inspired by the talent these rappers got.

Create a rhyme style of your own, become a master in the style you got. I have been rhyme styles of my own. I found that I was most influenced by rapper Phife from. A Tribe called Quest. I think this rapper looks like and sound like my oldest cousin. This rapper got the most witty and the basic rap style ever created. As a originator of the east coast rap music. He forever put a trademark and he can claim king of the east coast rap music. I took his raps as a inspiration found out that I can come up with rap style, which contains more metaphors of rawer nature. The rhymes I write on this blog is just experimental and blueprint to rap style I want to create. I feel that I am not there yet to practice with it. I know I can not say that all the rappers are inspired by Phife, one of the rappers I am most certain about, who is inspired by Phife is N.O.R.E. Maybe they are from the same hood.

Rap music's is original foundation is represent by Phife, why he can make people laugh and he represent the whole Zulu Nation vibe to the fullest. Respect to Phife from A Tribe Called Quest.


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Monday, June 2, 2008

I come with a ill raps, make you collapse of the map,
after a stack, stack of beats and vocals to get props,
I am straped with rhymes and all that, no time to fall back,
a kid got mind on a gold plaque, It is so phat like Biggie,
stick into your ear drums like my name is Jigga, mad Jiggy,
the real deal, the realer than the realest, providing you,
what you feel kid!!! dope rhyme patterns, my natural high,
got me sky rocketing like buildings in Manhattan,
not betting like bunch of Gambinos, kid with the low pro-
file got more deadly raps than teeth on a crocodile,
the ill lyrical, pal, sling more grammar than a Palestine,
I shine a certified glow, you must of notified bro,
I stand alone and snatch your thrown like a head of a prawn,
a cold rush get your higher than ice, the Angelic nappy head,
a crook next to Christ,

the digital scroll of cultural rituals, the rhythmic spiritual,
the hip hop fanatic at this wizardry, let the gifted kid rip,
the proper dosage, doper than the *ish you snorting,
for fun I am quoting, the linguist, who sling the recipe,
for more flavor, watch my lines rise up from dough to a cookie,
ain't no cream comes between my fam like cream of a Orea,
for real YO!!!!, I appeal that I am the raw deal,
the crown holder, the soldier, with a steady aim,
my path is blood stained, the blood of the lamb, rule with math,
pain is for the laim, rappers are artificial like a mainframe,
What I gain is green,


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Jeru is known for his work with DJ Premier and GURU from Gangstarr. He also did tracks with Group Home. The birth name of Jeru is Kendrick Jeru Davis. This rapper is from Brooklyn and gained lots of fame from the underground audience, he received lots of good critics from the underground peeps for his debut album.

He spend his early life in East New York, in the borough of Brooklyn. As a young kid he started to rhyme on block parties in Brooklyn to get his name known. He showed the on the track "I am the Man" he showed who the man is when it comes to rhyming dope. This track was featured on the album of Gangstarr called Daily Operation. The next year he dropped the hit single called "Come clean" which was produced by DJ Premier. This track was an underground hit. Jeru the Damaja came with a solo albumin 1994, this album was completely produced by DJ Premier, this album remains a hip hop classic. There was some beef going on between the Fugees and Jeru The Damaja, because Pras of Fugees mentioned on a track that Jeru was an false prophet. In 1996 Jeru came with a new album called 'Wrath of the Math'. I can remember that there was a sample used on one of the tracks, which was also used on the first Mobb Deep of album.

The third album was without the productions of DJ Premier, despite of that fact it was
critically acclaimed. The third album was called HEROS4HIRE


Friday, May 30, 2008

If you are looking for display solutions, then there is a site on the net, where you can get the best display solutions for a affordable price. These displays can be used to increase your sales activities at trade shows. There are various kinds of displays available such as trade show booths, pop up displays, portable trade show displays. There are also accessories for trade shows. This company offers wide range of accessories for trade shows, above mentioned products are not the only products they offer. This company also offers. Corporate information centers, show rooms, retail environments and more.


Thursday, May 29, 2008

The host with the nicest brag and boast techniques,
ghost your rags and I focus on riches, the cold flaim,
scorching, aiming at your soul, punch lines burned your frame,
into ashes, you try to slam, *ish do not dashes,
supreme math blaster, I watch my rhymes stashes like gold in fort Knox,
I the hard rock, even a gigant can knock me off my feet,
You are a fool if you think I would bleed for your cony weed,
I see a whole fleet upon my D, the blood of the lamb, so scram, outta my face
the Asiatic original man child, is here to erase, the mediocre taste,
I blaze, the nappy headed kid with the dope,
hymens, dwell in the garden eden before Adam and Eve had a skin.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Yo!!!! the biggest hip hop fan, sling vocals like grams,
others can scram,cause they are filth like cow meat,
for real the deal, I make the globe go around like the sun and the moon,
I assume, you'll turn into fume like a cigarette after the lunch in the afternoon,
I am flyer than Alladin, or a witch on a broom, I animate you moves like a cartoon,
I am a goon, check the assassin in action like Genghis Khan,
while you are with your feet up maxing, I am busting down facts,
on wax to make more tracks, you just after me like a tail behind a rat,

Who is the one hard like a rock? Who do not give F**k?
My lines make you star struck like angel dust,
why you wanna touch my hair is plain to see!!!
Is it because I am your wife's favorite MC?
or is it because your sister wanna give her vertical lips to me?
anyway, your money ain't worth *ish to me? you poof, parrot ass MC.
Pauly better be off with a craker, you can't touch my breed,
you ain't even in my league, 5 foot MC, stand taller than, B-ball player on a Benzy,
I am humble like a servant, I know how to serve it, you all do not deserve it.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I just checked out the Big Pun track 'Beware'. This track is flaming. The beat of this track is unique, it remind me of a watching a horror flick when I was 7 and getting the creeps and makes me some how mad nervous. This track is banging, why this is the base line and the sample of Prodigy. Which is "I gave you a fare warning beware". This sample adds mad flavor to this track.

The there is rare tone, or I'd rather say sample, that is a guitar loop from a synthesizer, I think. The baseline is heavy and this track is a classic. if you are into hip hop music from the nineties, this album inevitable. The whole "Capital Punishment" is a great album with original rhymes and the flow is mean. Like I said in a previous post. My Favorites are the debut albums of the east coast gangsta rap from the nineties. If you want to check out the song of Big Pun "Beware". Click here to check out the video on

How this song end is dope, which is "you are facing a whole Army". I can remember 1998 was heck of a year for me. There were lots of dope rappers coming out. I even couldn't afford to cop those rappers.


Monday, May 26, 2008

I just checked out the song of Prodigy called 'Keep it Thoro'. This song is crazy phat. I think the beat is rather unique. This beat has a quite tight piano loop. This goes on and on like the one and two's. The best song of the H.N.I.C album. The lyrics are mad dope. He spits his clout quite tight. This song reps the Queensbridge, NY vibe to the fullest.

I just checked out the song The Bridge 2001, this track is blazing. The topnotch rappers from QueensBrige is represented on this track. From Prodigy to MC Shan. The best song for 2001, my favorite vocalist on this track got to be Tradegy Khadfi. His vocals sounds ruff on this track. The beat is not that impressive, although the drum is dope. The brass is a real old school sample. The vocals are dope. I do not know most of the times I think the first album are the dopest. I still can not seems to grow with the artists. The Mobb Deep's first album is a jewel. And the other albums are certainly not whack, but the first album was a preview of what is about to come. And the second album also contained dope songs, but there were not enough classic hip hop samples on it. It were filled with keyboard sounds. I think the first album has more AKAI MPC sounds on it.

Anyway Mobb Deep is one of the nicest rappers form New York and they became even larger after signing with G-Unit.


Saturday, May 24, 2008

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I was just checking out the movie Belly. It kind of liked the script. This seems to be more than reality. It is how it's going down in the projects. I think the acting is kind of whack. I liked that Jamaican Scarface figure. He is the nicest actor in this movie. And the issue about rappers acting is really whack.

I do not know why rappers wanna act. The money is the main motivation I think. There are actors who are way better than rappers can act. Rappers should be rappers and not actors. DMX and Nas can not seems to get the job done when it comes to acting. Most of the time is Nas telling a story. That seems to be all right, better than his acting. This movie remind me of a Scarface scene. When the Jamaican drug lord goes up in smoke is similar to a Scarface scene. I can not understand that Hype Williams is getting involved in this kind of scripts. I find the originality is lacking in the script. Rap music is now all about drugs, money and other vulgar stuff. While the true essence of the hip hop music dying. On the other hand hip hop music is becoming more of a reflection of the streets than having a good time. The fun part of rap music is missing nowadays.

I rather stick to Kung Fu movies from the '70 and '80 than watching movies of rappers playing a role of a gangsta. I like gangsta rap. But I do not like gangsta rappers acting in movies as a gangsta.


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Outkast one of my favorite groups from the south. This group set trend and influenced whole new generation of rappers from the south. I can remember when I heard the song
Southernplayalisticadillacmusic. It was in a summer in the early nineties. It was truly giving me a good mood and what a vibe. That moment I will never forget.

The group outkast is from Atlanta, Georgia. They were formerly known as OKB(OutKast Brothers). Later on they took the name OutKast. Music style of this group Outkast can be called mix of Dirty South and G-Funk. later on they added more influence to their music style such as electronic music, pop, jazz, rock, soul, funk and blues. The duo's name are Big Boi and Andre 3000. These rappers are not the average rappers, they received 6 Grammy's. Over 25 million copies have been sold of their 8 albums all over the world. Speaker boxxx/ love below has gone diamond. Outkast is getting props from people from all over the world for the great artistic work they put in.

Their first album Southerplayalisticadillacmusic was released in 1994. In 1996 Outkast released the album ATLiens. In 1998 Outkast released the album AQuemini.
Stankonia in 2000, even in darkness and the greatest hits in 2001. Speakerboxxx/ love below in 2003.

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