Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I red this article on the Internet about mobile Internet. I will summarize the article. I do not know if you all know this. There are more than 3 billion mobile phone users. That is more than the amount of auto mobile users, P.C, land line phone connections, t.vs or credit cards. But the mobile Internet is far from gaining massive users, it is seen as a slow loading pages, unoptimized content and poor design do not attract the wireless subscribers to use the mobile Internet on a tiny screen.

The total wireless subscriptions in the US are 237 million, but only 32 million accessed the Internet. That is a small fraction of the total Internet users, which is 210 million in The US. In Japan there are only 100000 less than amount of logins to the Internet with a P.C. It is obvious use of the mobile Internet has not broken through to the mainstream such as in Japan.

Apple released a great device called IPhone. This is great to access the mobile Internet, because of its large screen and user friendly options. Nokia also brought great device to the market, which is N95. Nokia will also release N810 is a IPhone like device it is also a smart phone and a Internet device. If I have the choice I would buy a N810 rather than a IPhone, because N810 runs on OS based Linux supports flash. It is great for browsing a wap site when you feel like it. If you are a entrepreneur you can do mobile marketing to reach new customers.Launching your own mobile website to get more exposure for your business. Or you can use sms marketing to reach new customers. Mobile Internet users will increase over the next few years. Check out the site Golivemobile.com for more information on getting you business on the mobile Internet.


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